Modern festival
in an old city

About the festival

Yelets is a city with rich history and ages old traditions, it’s one of the thousands of small Russian cities that carefully preserve their identity. To gather photographers from Russia and other countries in Yelets, in Lipetsk land is to demonstrate the mores and everyday life of provincial Russia as opposed to dressed-up, metropolitan part of the country. The aim of the International Contest and Festival is to create a single portal and a propitious environment for communication, sharing experience, learning and popularizing of photographic attraction of small Russian cities and their environments, which reflect the richness of the Russian soul, history, culture, folk arts, traditions, diversity of natural landscapes, unique flaura and fauna.

>1000 participants and guests
~50 events organized by partners and experts
25 invited experts

Photography contest is the heart of our festival

Contest objectives:

to accumulate in a single online space best professional and amateur photos from Russia and abroad, made between January 2022 and March 2024.

Who can participate:

documentary and conceptual photographers of all the photographic genres and levels of professional qualification without age or geographical limitations.

Contest participation rules:

One Contest participant may submit no more than 5 photos (nominations are to be selected by the author). In order to participate one must Register and fill in the application form in their personal profile.

The evaluation is a two stage process:

1. Selection of finalists and their photos for the exhibition.
2. Selection of grand prix winner and award winners in each nomination. The voting is closed and anonymous.

Contest submissions

Front slider
Front slider

Over 50 events are planned within the framework of the festival covering all of the city

21-25 August 2024

For five days the International Photography Festival “LIGHT AND COLOUR” will take place in the old city of Yelets.

Photographer: Alexander Karasev

21 August. DAY ONE

Grand opening of the exhibition of the finalists of the All-Russian International Photography Contest “Light and Colour”.

Photographer: Svyatoslav Seleznev.

24 August. DAY FOUR

Portfolio review, during which the Festival participants will be able to present their works to experts: acclaimed photographers, artists, photo editors and art experts.



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Frequently asked questions


How many photos can I submit for the Contest?

Not more than five. For instance, you have 5 separate photos, you can submit them to different nominations of your choice. If you have a series of 5 photos, you should submit them to one nomination only.

Can I delete/change a photo after submission?

Only before the moderation and publication of your photo on web-site.

What quality/resolution should be photos submitted for the Contest?

If your photo is selected for the finale, we’ll ask you to send us full size file, suitable for printing. Initially to submit the photo to the Contest you should make a compressed copy (keep the original file) in JPG format with minimal compression, preferably not more than 5 mb, colour scheme sRGB.

How many nominations can I apply for?

Any number of nominations not exceeding 5.

Can the same photo be submitted to different nominations?

No, it’s not allowed.

What are the rules of participation in the award nomination «HOME. FAMILY. CUSTOMS. TRADITIONS»

Answer: For this nomination only series of 3 to 5 photos are accepted.

Can I upload a series of photos to any nomination?

Yes, if you have a series of photos, you can upload it to any nomination.

Where can I read the complete rules of the Contest?

On the web-site, in the Contest section.

Contest timings and voting dates.

Application submission will start on 25 March 2024 and finish on 24 May at 22.59 Moscow time.
The Panel of Judges will function from 27 May - 12 June 2024
The list of finalists will be published on the Contest web-site before 14 June 2024.

Who will evaluated the photos submitted for the Contest?

Renowned specialists in the field of photography: acclaimed photographers, photo editors, art experts, historians and professors of photography from Russia, CIS and friendly countries. You can find the list of panelists in the ‘Experts’ section.

What awards will Contest winners get?

Diploma, memorable ( or monetary) prize and exhibition catalogue containing all the photos of the finalists.

Can photos for the Contest be taken with a smartphone?

Yes, if your smartphone allows to get high resolution image suitable for printing a poster not smaller than 300x400 mm.

How can I find out whether my photos have been selected for the finale?

You can get this information from the publication of the list of finalists on the Contest web-site.

How can I take part in Festival events?

You can register online as a Festival participant on the Contest and Festival web-site, reserve a hotel, pay for the accommodation, arrive in Yelets on your own, confirm your registration in the Festival Staff Office and receive a pass to all Festival events, then actively take part in those events.

Where can I stay during the Festival? Are there discounts and special offers for Festival participants?

You can stay at any hotel, hostel or private lodgings. We hope to negotiate special discounts on accommodation, the information will be provided additionally.

Are all the Festival events free for the participants?

There are no special fees for participation in the Festival events. All the Festival events are accessible only upon presentation of participant badge.

Where and when can I register and receive a participant badge on Festival site?

In the Festival Staff Office in Yelets, the exact address will be published as soon as the Festival registration starts.

Organizers and partners