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Agreement on the processing of the personal data for web-site

Entering on the web-site: (hereinafter – web-site), any of the data that belong to the category of personal data according to the Federal Law «On Personal Data» N152-FL of 27.07.2006, by filling in any forms on the web-site, you automatically become party of this agreement, acquire a web-site user status (hereinafter – web-site user) and agree to all the terms and conditions set out below without exception.

Web-site user:

  1. Hereby confirms that all the information entered in the registration forms on the web-site belongs to him/her personally, is true and not distorted.
  2. Confirms and recognizes that he/she has carefully and to the full extent read this Agreement and the conditions of use of the personal data. He/she fully understands the text of the Agreement, and fully agrees to the terms and conditions of the personal data usage.
  3. Grants the web-site Administration his/her consent to process the personal data submitted as part of information for the purposes of making and fulfillment of this Agreement between him/her and the web-site.
  4. Agrees to the terms and conditions of personal data processing without reservations or limitations.
  5. States that he/she of his/her free will and in his/her interests consents to the collection, analysis, processing, storage and use of his/her personal data (full name, date of birth, mobile phone number, e-mail address, other data) in accordance with the Federal Law «On Personal Data» N152-FL of 27.07.2006.
    The user consent on the personal data processing by the web-site is specific, informed and conscious.

This Agreement of the web-site user is deemed made in a simple written form. 

Web-site user grants the web-site Administration the right to carry out the following operations with the personal data:

  1. Collection and storage;
  2. Storing the data for the duration required by the normative regulations for the preservation of reporting documents, but not less than three years from the date the User discontinues the use of the web-site services;
  3. Verification (renewal, modification);
  4. Usage;
  5. Destruction;
  6. Depersonalizationе;
  7. Transfer to third parties upon court order with the provision of necessary measures to protect the personal data from unauthorized access.

The agreement comes to force at the moment the data are provided and stays in force for unlimited time. It can be re-called by the web-site User by submitting a request to the web-site Administration with the specification of the information defined by article 14 of the Federal Law «On Personal Data» N152-FL of 27.07.2006 (version of 22.02.2017). 

A User can re-call their consent on the personal data processing by sending a demand to this effect in a simple written form to the e-mail address

The web-site Administration is authorized to modify this Agreement at any given time.

If modifications are made to the current version of the Agreement, the date of the latest update must be specified. New version of the Agreement shall become valid at the time of publication on the web-site, unless otherwise stipulated in the text of the new version.

This Agreement, and the relations between the web-site user and Administration arising out of it shall be regulated by the current laws of the Russian Federation.