Цель конкурса: аккумулировать в едином онлайн пространстве лучшие фотографии российских и зарубежных фотографов и фотолюбителей, сделанные в период январь 2022 - май 2024 года Кто может участвовать: к участию в конкурсе и фестивале приглашаются документальные и концептуальные фотографы всех творческих направлений и уровней квалификации без ограничений по возрасту и месту проживания. Условия участия в конкурсе: От одного участника конкурса принимается не более 5 фотографий (номинацию автор выбирает самостоятельно). |
Оценка присланных работ проходит в два этапа:
Голосование закрытое и анонимное. Фотографии должны быть сняты не ранее января 2022 года. Более подробная информация о конкурсе: |
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Специальные номинации конкурса в 2024 году
«Dear participants of the All-Russian International Contest and Festival “LIGHT
and COULOUR”! Please, bear in mind that nobody is the best of all, when it
concerns creativity. It’s quite enough to be good enough and talented. Any contest
is a lottery… Therefore, those of you who won’t receive prizes should not be
discouraged! We all are already happy people, because we enjoy doing the thing
that we like… The title of the contest “Light and Colour” reminds us the
photography is about painting with light. Have patience to wait for that unique
ray of light that will make the moment you want to picture outstanding. We expect
to see new discoveries on your part. Good luck!»
Sergey Kivrin (
)«When photographers ask us: “Will it be possible?" We immediately nod in
agreement without waiting to hear all of the story, because anything is possible! If
anybody advises you to make your photographs in a specific way, you’ll end up
taking photos like the person who gave you that bit of advice. We all have a
photographer inside. If you want to become a professional, find the photographer
inside you and listen only to them, because only they know what you need and how
to achieve it. It is worth looking closely and listening to experienced experts and
teachers, but you will have to see for yourselves, which of their recommendations
you want to use. They can give you tips of advice and show you a direction, but at
the end of the day you need to find yourselves what really suits you».
Natasha and Valera Cherkashin (
)«I encourage all the Contest participants not to be limited by conventions, avoid stereotyped solutions, and break the generally accepted norms as often as possible. I urge you to embark on a quest for the new, find it and tell us the story with the use of LIGHT and COLOUR».
Maria Sakhno (
)«Пожелания участникам фестиваля: понимать, что именно вы хотите получить на этом мероприятии, тогда вы точно это услышите и увидите! Фестиваль – это, прежде всего, новые возможности для развития и роста, поэтому будьте активны и берите всё новое и лучшее, чем делятся с вами коллеги – фотографы»
Konstantin Malanin (
)«Dear friends!I congratulate us all on the start of the Photographic Contest and
Festival in the old Russian city of Yelets! This more than just a festival, it’s a
symbolic event for the city as well as for the photographer community, photography
enthusiasts and amateurs. It was not a random choice to choose Yelets as the site of
the new festival. This is the city where one of the first postal stamps in Russia was
printed, there is a crystal cross on one of the domes of the Great Duke’s Mikhail
and Alexander Church, which is very unusual both in Russia and abroad, it’s the
city where first grain elevator and the first Railway Professional School were
established… I wish you, dear participants, to strive to become number one! I also
wish everybody success and new creative achievements!»
Konstantin Leyfer (
)«Dear contest participants! Having been on panels of judges in a lot of
photographic contest, I can list a number of qualities that you need to win: 1 Love
for photography; 2 Belief in yourself and certainty that what you do is right. These
are key qualities, but they are not enough by themselves. You also need to define
your creative goals. This is why point 3 is also important – find your theme, your
grand purpose. You need to understand for yourself why you make photos. What is
it that you want to communicate to the rest of the world. Such things should
be formulated in a very concrete and concise way. Lisette Model expressed it
very well saying: «Don’t try to make just a “beautiful photo", they to make a
photo of something».Good luck to you!»
Irina Tolkacheva (
)«Любому творческому человеку важно быть увиденным и услышанным. Участие в фестивалях, конкурсах и портфолио-ревю это уникальная возможность презентовать себя экспертному сообществу, оказать в среде коллег и единомышленников. Я желаю каждому участнику неиссякаемой энергии и вдохновения, творческих проб и побед!»
Irina Khozhainova (
)«I want to specifically underline the new nomination - NEURO IMAGING PHOTOGRAPHY, i.e.photos created with the use
of generative AI. Digital technologies are amazing in the ability to create images
“from nothing”, practically using only the power of your imagination! In order to
create a neuro photograph you don’t have to sneak up on wild animals, wait to see
the sunset over a sea or ask models to show a mysterious look on their faces, it’s
enough to correctly formulate your objective in text request (prompt). This is not
very easy either, but I recommend that you should try it and acquire first hand
experience of this new approach to image creation in hyper reality».
Dmitry Soshnikov (
)«I expect to see new, unexpected photographs from the Contest participants,
not just series of cat and dog images, or reflections of scenery and objects in
puddles. From the Festival participants I expect to see live and informal
communication. «I wish it to all!»
Andrey Chezhin (